Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What Is it With Martial Art Students Trying To "Do Their Own Thing"...

Unfortunately Martial Art students today don't get happiness in seeing their teacher grow and get all the love, respect, fame, limelight or money that He/She earned through years of hard work and dedication and which He/She rightfully deserves.

They instead start wanting to be in their teacher's shoes and dream of getting equal if not all the gains, benefits and wealth for themselves, so that they too could feel like they are something big in life forgetting that there was once a time when they were nothing and knew nothing... and that it was their teacher who made them what they are today...

Unless a Teacher has passed away or has specially instructed His/Her student to do things independently, It is absolutely unethical and immoral for a student to even think of doing something that tries to be in par with/better or worse compete, over take, overshadow, impede with or come in the way of his own teacher.

This is more evil than a son foxily taking over his father's business even before:
1) his father dies or
2) his father formally hands over control of his business to his son
and with the son finally over throwing his own father out of the very business his father started, grew, supported and taught his son how to operate it.

Even if the teacher is not a good teacher and is trying to exploit his students, they should still show respect to him and not try to take is place... and should better do something different from what he has taught them.

In fact one of my Teachers was himself a victim of exploitation when he was a student. His teacher made him take all his classes make him work like a servant in his house and for all his dedication and hard work he was paid peanuts while his teacher feasted on the rest of the profits... Even though his teacher was so bad to him, he still prefers to stay in the shadows of obscurity even today, knowing that his teacher is alive, he still avoids coming to the limelight out of respect for him being his teacher in the past...

Sadly most of the students that come to learn martial arts today, only do so, so that they could start their own school tomorrow...

A good student would always want to be with and work for and along with his teacher forever. It is only after his teacher's death that He/She would ever be forced to take the responsibility of the School and the rest of his students when requested by the teacher's family or if it was willed by the teacher, in addition to looking after and supporting the Teacher's Family as long as it was needed....

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