Saturday, November 26, 2011

The True Goals Of Martial Art Training: Goal 1 - Good Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health

Never Forget "Its Better To Die In A Fight That May Never Take Place, Than To Live EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE Physically, Mentally & Spiritually HANDICAPPED, ILL AND IN PAIN, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Because Of Needless Violent Uncontrolled Training"

The goal of most Martial Arts/Sports/Combat Systems preach of good health and longevity. But Unfortunately not all of them actually succeed in this goal...

If we talk about only the Physical aspect of Good Health and if your training system ends up making you Disfigured, Handicapped, Deaf, Blind, or Infertile... what good is it going to do to you, living a life like that, and do we honestly think we would be able to defend or protect ourselves and our dear ones in such a helpless deplorable condition...

Unfortunately many ignorant newbies in the field of martial arts, start attempting to break bricks and board without first going through systematic training. Or rush into full contact sparring with out proper training and without conditioning one's body and reflexes, resulting in unwanted and avoidable injury and pain possibly for life... But it is something that is less a mistake of the Student and more that of the Teacher for not educating his students...

But what becomes absolutely unacceptable is when certain Bad Teachers themselves cause harm to their own Students and make them into punching bags/guinea pigs to test or show off how strong they are...
In addition to getting badly hurt physically, these victimized students also end up disturbed mentally and spiritually... In many cases these victimized students harbour their grudges and wait for a chance to hurt or cause disturbances in their Teachers life and worse challenge their very own Teacher...
In some cases the seniors do the same thing towards their juniors by aping their Teacher...

The recent news about a Krav Maga Instructor in India hitting his own instructor in the groin and stabbing another is a perfect example of the above...

To be updated with more info...

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