Friday, July 02, 2010

Understanding Martial Arts and its Philosophy

 Please Note: This blog post was later published in the Editorial Section of Complete Martial Art Magazine, Sep-Oct 2010 issue.

Countless people practice martial arts all over the world, but very few know its real meaning and true philosophy. This ignorance has lead to the absolute perversion in the understanding, practice, evolution and spread of these arts today. The very word “Martial Art” brings to mind pictures of violence, brutality, dominance and vulgar displays of power & strength and invokes various negative reactions from both martial and non-martial artists. These ancient art forms and disciplines, which truly are a “Way Of Life”, are the secret to the complete development of an individual’s Body, Mind and Spirit. Today the image of a “Martial Artist” has been transformed from a person who is revered and idolized by all for his of great character, personality, discipline, compassion and humility to name a few, into a person not many would ever want to be. Martial Artists are often looked at like dangerous, deadly, ill tempered, arrogant and violent people, who need to be feared and thus respected. Unfortunately even in India, the land that is believed to be the birthplace of martial arts, a majority of the people have lost all love and respect for it and are no longer interested in it, as for them it’s a dangerous “sport”, which is a waste of time, energy and money. 

Through this very brief article, I hope to be able to shine some light on martial arts, its birth, evolution and its real philosophy.

It’s the law of nature that, “Only the fittest can survive” and ever since man has existed, he too, has had to Fight for and Defend himself, from the "Wild Forces Of Nature", "Wild Animals" and "Wild Men", to Exist, Survive and Multiply. But thanks to evolution, and the metamorphosis of human beings, it has brought about a new paradigm among us that, even the weakest have equal rights, to exist, survive and multiply. Thus today, we have a highly evolved society in which physically, mentally and spiritually strong humans protect and help, not only other weak helpless humans, but also animals and other lower forms of living organisms, from the dangers that would otherwise destroy them.

In today's world it is considered to be:
• Heroic - to protect the weak and helpless from danger.
• Saintly - to nurse and cure the dying and sickly.
• Kind, Loving and Big hearted - to look after and adopt orphans, abandoned children and elderly.
• Generous - to donate / give food, clothing and shelter to the poor.

It is only because of a few such good, peaceful and life loving human beings that the balance of life is still being maintained. These people have always been looked up to, as Heroes and Perfect Human Beings. All over the world, civilized societies and cultures have always loved and respected people with one or more of these virtues and have their own definitions for a perfect human being. It is these values, characteristics and principles that many people try to inculcate in order to gain love, respect and admiration from others.
In spite of having people with such higher thoughts, we unfortunately are still surrounded by countless "Wild Ones", who do not wish to change. They are evil, destructive, greedy, selfish and jealous of others and will do anything to destroy the balance of life. These “Wild Ones” attack us, not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. It is because of these evil ones that there are wars, pain and suffering. They are the main reason, why we need to fight for our rights, defend and protect ourselves, our loved ones and everything that is rightfully ours. They have forced us to Fight, Mime and Kill each other in endless wars, resulting in the simultaneous destruction of the lives and the future of the countless, helpless innocents dependent on us directly or indirectly which is “A pretty expensive price to pay for Peace”... In fact it is Peace that should be the only goal in a war, as it is only reason that can at least remotely justify some of the evils that are related to and are a result of it.

The countless wars waged by these dangerous people against us for centuries, have forced us to train, strengthen and forge our body, mind and spirit, in order to become indestructible and invincible warriors. This necessity to be able to defend & protect ourselves has given birth to the different arts of war that we call "Martial Arts".

After witnessing the evil, the destruction, the pain, and the losses caused by these wars, a few warriors, who have survived them, have become enlightened. These "Enlightened Warriors” have untiringly studied the causes, the process and the consequences of these battles, throughout their endless struggle to become the best warriors in the world and who have shown us the path to become “The Ultimate Warrior”.

Over the ages, these Enlightened Warriors have learnt the truth of war and life and have realized that.
• "The True Goal of War is Peace".
• "Martial Art without Philosophy is the same as Street Fight".
• "Martial Art is for Defense Only".
• "The Ultimate Warrior is an 'Enlightened Warrior', who knows the art of Defending without Fighting".
• “An Ultimate Warrior is one who is a Perfect Human Being with a Perfect Character and the one who strives to maintain, the peace and balance of life”.

Unfortunately the path tread by a warrior is dangerous and often confusing to him (especially if he is not enlightened), for example: he can easily get carried away by victory or defeat in a war and finally lose complete focus of the goal attained, which is: “Peace” (which was the reason, why he became a warrior in the first place.) and will end up becoming a “Wild One” himself, fighting and waging war with others for supremacy, superiority, false honour, domination etc.

Most of us as martial artists strive to become the Ultimate Warrior, but only few know that we can become one, only if we are enlightened with the truths of Life, Love and Peace just to mention a few.

I would like end with the words and reflections of, some of the greatest Enlightened Warriors the world has ever known:
"The Ultimate Aim Of Karate Lies Not In Victory Or Defeat, But In The Perfection Of The Characters Of Its Participants".
– Meijin GICHIN FUNAKOSHI (1868 -1957), Founder and Grandmaster of Shotokan Karate-Do

"In True Budo, There Is No Enemy Or Opponent. True Budo Is To Become One With The Universe. We Do Not Train To Become Powerful Or To Throw Down Some Opponent, Rather We Train In Hopes Of Being Of Some Use, However Small Our Role May Be, In The Task Of Bringing Peace To Mankind Around The World."
– Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), Founder and O Sensei of Aiki-Do

"To Win One Hundred Victories In One Hundred Battles Is Not The Highest Skill. To Subdue The Enemy Without Fighting Is The Highest Skill."
– Sun-Tsu/ Sun Tzu/Sun Wu, Ancient Chinese Military General, Strategist and Philosopher. Author of the ancient book “Art Of War”

"The Fastest Draw Is When The Sword Never Leaves The Scabbard, The Strongest Way To Block, Is Never To Provoke A Blow, And The Cleanest Cut Is The One Withheld."
– An Annonymous Warrior

"Master The Divine Techniques Of The Art Of Peace And No Enemy Will Dare To Challenge You."
– Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), Founder and O Sensei of Aiki-Do

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