Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Interviewer of an Airline company who claimed to know it all...

I Just happened to go for an interview last month for the Job of a Flight Attendant in a lesser known Airline company called Paramount Airways in Chennai.

With most of the required qualifications and requirements being pretty satisfactory for the job, except for the the age and experience requirement (I am 5yrs on the higher side, Though I could easily pass of as a 23yr old in spite of being 32yrs [Thanks to Karate my aging has become really slow...]). I knew that getting the job was kinda dicey, but still as it was something I really wanted, I still decided to go for it.

For my bad luck the guy who interviewed me was in a really bad mood... He had this ugly angry frown on his face and looked like a Pit Bull ready to bite...

I entered with a confidence, then smiled and greeted him.

After asking me my CV, he started out by trying to massacre me, because I dared to attend the interview, in spite of my being over aged. I tried to explain to him that I came to know of the opening through a person who worked in Paramount and that i was told that i could try even though I was above the age limit, as the combination of my youthful looks + the mental maturity because of my age + my being a martial artist, would rather be a plus, for my role as Flight Attended, but he was not one bit impressed, so I helplessly agreed to him and was expecting him to permit me to leave. Yet instead of terminating the interview and asking me to leave, he continued to interrogate me.
Up till there it was fine... but on asking me why I teach Karate and also do freelance software development at the same time - I said that Karate for me is a way of life and software development is for my financial security. On hearing the words "Karate for me is a way of life", he looked at me, really weirdly and replied, "Now don't tell me that if a Sumo Wrestler comes and says that Sumo is a way of life, I should believe him".
Seeing his obvious ignorance, I very politely said that he may not be aware of, why it is a way of life, for millions of Karatekas, all around the globe and attempted to explain... but he was such an egoistic homo sapien, that he lost his temper and said "Don't you underestimate the person in front of you especially if is he the person you have come to ask a Job from."

I just smiled and said Thank You.... and left...

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